Mighty Mite Camps
Camps are conducted by trained Coerver Coaches with a player to coach ratio of approximately 6:1. Our coaches are constantly being trained as our curriculum continues to develop and new games and exercises are introduced by Coerver Coaches from all over the world. The camps focus on teaching the individual skills indispensable for success in soccer. Proper fundamental skills are taught as well as advanced skills that make playing fun and encourage players to practice on their own. Sportsmanship and character are central to our core values and are stressed at every turn.
Effort and fair play are as important as talent and achievement. Mighty Mites camps are offered half-day (9am-noon) for player 4-6 years old. Fun is the central theme to all sessions as skills are introduced and practiced in a joyful environment. Players get to experience the game in a way that fosters physical and social development and improves coordination, confidence and skill.
Ball Mastery Camps
Ball Mastery camps are for campers who have not been to our camps previously. Emphasis is placed on individual skill development and basic moves with the goal of developing confidence on the ball. Beginning “move sets” are taught and games are played to practice the moves in a method that starts with no pressure and slowly adds the pressure of time and/or space restrictions. Then passive defensive pressure is added and by the end of the first morning, players are performing moves under full defensive pressure to goal. First touch is a major theme in Ball Mastery sessions.
After lunch all Ball Mastery groups receive training in a topic of the day that is geared toward their group’s specific level of play. Topics range from skills such as juggling, shooting, volleying and individual defending to more advanced topics such as small group defending and combination play. After the topic of the day all groups play in our “World Cup” competition with teams they stay with throughout the week. This is a round robin competition of small-sided games. They rules and restrictions of the games change depending on the topics emphasized that day. Results are recorded each day and a finals competition is held on Friday. Group champions are recognized at our award ceremony on Friday afternoon.
At all levels, games are played to encourage the use of the specific skills being taught that day. Nearly three decades of cooperative curriculum development affords us a finely tuned method for getting the skills incorporated into the competitive environment as quickly as possible while building confidence along the way. The difficulty of the moves we teach and the intensity of the competition increases at each level.
Advanced Camps
The Advanced camps are available to players over 10 who have been to the camps previously or who have experience playing select soccer. The Advanced level teaches more complicated moves and swiftly puts players into competitive environments with an emphasis on 1v1 and 2v2 play in the morning. Small group tactics are also taught and small-sided games are played featuring fast break attack and counter attack. The importance of fast transition play is stressed and players are encouraged to play creatively and freely and to use their new skills in games. Players are also put in many situations requiring decision-making as that is a key ingredient to advanced play.
Advanced campers compete in the adidas 5-3-1 competition, each day where they are put in a series of competitive team environments and their scores are calculated each day. The teams and challenges change every day and each player’s scores are compiled throughout the week. The winner of the week long competition is recognized at our awards ceremony on Friday.
At all levels, games are played to encourage the use of the specific skills being taught that day. Nearly three decades of cooperative curriculum development affords us a finely tuned method for getting the skills incorporated into the competitive environment as quickly as possible while building confidence along the way. The difficulty of the moves we teach and the intensity of the competition increases at each level.
Goal Keeping Camps
A new addition to the Coerver Camp offerings is COERVER GK. This course is based on the Pyramid of Player Development of sound goalkeeping principles and techniques. The COERVER GK camp session is structured around the existing field player camps. Keepers will have separate technical training before blending in with the other campers for 1v1s, dealing with crosses, shot stopping, and positional play during live action drills. A great way for the GK to attend the same camp as his/her teammates while still getting the individual technical & positional training he/she needs. The new Coerver GK program offers the perfect opportunity for GK’s to be pushed to achieve the next level.
Elite Player Camps
Elite campers compete in the adidas 5-3-1 competition, each day where they are put in a series of competitive team environments and their scores are calculated each day. The teams and challenges change every day and each player’s scores are compiled throughout the week. The winner of the weeklong competition is recognized at our awards ceremony on Friday.
At all levels, games are played to encourage the use of the specific skills being taught that day. Nearly three decades of cooperative curriculum development affords us a finely tuned method for getting the skills incorporated into the competitive environment as quickly as possible while building confidence along the way. The difficulty of the moves we teach and the intensity of the competition increases at each level.
High School Prep Camps
Our High School Prep Camp is offered for High School aged players. The High School Prep camps goal is to prepare the player for the upcoming high school season. Players are exposed to high level skill sets as well as games and exercises that stress tactical awareness, problem solving, principals of possession, advanced finishing skills, group defending, playing to targets, effective flank play and multiple player attacking combinations. Spirited competition is encouraged and fitness and speed training are emphasized.
Summer Evening Camps
Coerver Ball Mastery Evening camps are great for club, recreation and county players. Emphasis is placed on individual skill development and basic moves with the goal of developing confidence on the ball.
Beginning “move sets” are taught and games are played to practice the moves in a method that starts with no pressure and slowly adds the pressure of time and/or space restrictions. Then passive defensive pressure is added and by the end of the first evening, players are performing moves under full defensive pressure to goal. First touch is a major theme in Ball Mastery sessions. Our goal of the Ball Mastery Evening camps are to provide our players with a better understanding of our core move sets and to develop a more confident player.